Nothing you want more in life than to be a good parent to this lovely blessing you've been given since the minute your sweet kid is placed in your arms.
If only children came with step-by-step instructions!
New parents especially try to figure out the best approach to handle each parenting problem while hoping for the best.
BIPS approach to successful parenting has clearly evolved over the course of mentoring children and parents to build a friendly relationship among them and helping them become informed parents.
We list below a rundown of 9 qualities that can help you become an informed parent for your child:
1. Flexibility
Flexible parents are usually open-minded and laid-back. They never get into yelling and always find a peaceful solution. After all, children are naturally stubborn; rigid parents encourage their children's defiance and rebelliousness, which invariably escalates disputes.
Pro Tip: Recognize that your child has the right to a say in family decisions. Before setting rules, offer options, and engage your children in discourse, organise a family meeting whenever possible.
Find a happy medium between accommodating and commanding. Your child will show you more respect and self-control as a result of your actions.
2. Positive Discipline
To be quite honest, figuring out a disciplinary strategy that works with children is a struggle. You have a tendency to be either strictly authoritarian in your approach and hand out penalties like Halloween candy, or you have a tendency to be excessively permissive after being too severe.
Pro Tip: Rather than punishing children as a knee-jerk reaction in the hopes that they would "learn their lesson," try to understand their point of view and the reasons for their behaviour.
3. Respect Goes Both Ways
Many parents believe that their children must respect them. Respect must be earned and reciprocated. Children must feel that their thoughts, feelings, and rights are valued.
Communication is the foundation of respect. You show respect to your child when you sincerely listen to his needs and let him know that he is being heard. When you appreciate his uniqueness, even if it differs from yours, you're showing him that you value his uniqueness.
Pro Tip: Remember, you are cultivating a relationship based on mutual respect when you expect him to treat you with affection and show him the same regard.
4. Acceptance
Acceptance is a broad notion that can be used in a variety of situations. It entails accepting your child's originality, meeting him where he is, and valuing his distinct characteristics. It also entails understanding his defects and limits while gently guiding him through obstacles.
Pro Tip: While it might sound easy to you but it might not be easy for them. A child’s struggles are different and you have to accept the fact in order to help him/her deal with it.
5. Having A Sense Of Humour
The most popular adults on the street are parents with a good sense of humour. It's no surprise that their children enjoy bringing their pals home. In families, good humour enables free and unrestricted communication while also providing relief from life's stresses. Stress hormones are reduced, endorphins are stimulated, and the immune system is strengthened.
Pro Tip: Most importantly, it enhances the enjoyment of family time. In young people, a lack of humour increases worries and pressures, causing needless distress.
6. Empowerment
From their first steps to driving a car, children are born with an intrinsic need to define themselves and develop their particular abilities and talents. Good parents encourage their children's independence by instilling personal responsibility and self-reliance. They avoid micromanaging or indulging their children, and they never allow sloth or laziness to take root in their children's lives.
Pro Tip: Parents who empower their children show them the benefits of hard effort and personal achievement. Such decisions contribute to children's psychological development and give them a strong feeling of purpose.
7. Appreciate Creativity
Leaders are innovative, and as a result, they rule. So let your child's creative mind soar as high as it desires. Allow children to participate in all activities and to discover their true selves because knowing how good you are at something is crucial to leading.
Pro Tip: All they need is the tap on the shoulder for being what they are or aspire to be.
8. Become Their Role Model
Young adolescent boys and girls require great role models. Try to model the behaviours and values you want your child to have. Your actions are more powerful than your words. Your child will be more likely to emulate you if you set high standards for yourself and treat others with compassion and respect.
Pro Tip: Adolescents turn to their parents, peers, well-known individuals, and others to define who they might become as they explore their options. Let that person be you!
9. Unlimited Love
The trust developed because of the unconditional affection. Children need to know that their shortcomings do not determine whether or not they are deserving of their parents' love.
Pro Tip: Parents may help their children develop this trait by being emotionally available to them, trusting them to explore their surroundings, and allowing them to make mistakes.
BIPS knows parenting is one of the most profoundly transformative experiences you will ever have. It pushes you to be a better person, to improve your state of mind, and to broaden your horizons. To help parents, BIPS organise counselling sessions and parent-teacher meets to discuss the hurdles in their path.
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